What is HWA-X ?
HWA-X is a mutated HWA. 🙂
HWA (https://HWAflower.com), World’s First smallest Flower NFT in Blockchain is mutated into HWA-X.
Colors of HWA-X is based on the genome color of 100 days of HWA-mutate. (https://opensea.io/collection/hwa-mutate)

HWA-X will have a launch on 1st DAY of Spring 2023 (20 March 2023, 5.24pm EDT )
numbers of HWA-X depends on total numbers of HWA-X minted until the LAST DAY of Spring 2023 (20 June 2023)
Remember, flower mutation is limited 🙂
HWA holder and HWA-mutate holder will be given #FREEMINT.
At the same time Public will be able to mint at 0.01eth.
you can mint at https://HWA-X.com/mint